Eager Crowds
I was out for my evening walk this past week when a Christian teenage boy asked me, “When are you going to hold another Ajami Bible training?”
I got the same question from my Christian electrician a few days later. Then at church on Sunday, one of the elders asked the same thing.
We are seeing great demand among believers here who want to learn how to use the Ajami Bible to share the gospel with their neighbors.
These Christians are hearing testimonies from those who have been through the training already: that this Bible is so effective, even once-hostile leaders among our neighbors are incorporating it into their religious schools (see a video here).
This week we are training 27 believers how to use the Ajami Bible. They need prayers from the global church!! Would you join me in praying for them as they put in the hard work to learn this challenging script?
Not only that, but I was invited to do two trainings earlier this month in parables evangelism (click here). One group was a chapel of several hundred believers. The other was a group of Christian college student ministry leaders. Everyone’s eyes were so wide with enthusiasm as they saw how winsome the parables can be!
Please pray for these crowds of Christians who are eager to share the love of Christ in a challenging environment.
God bless you!